Sunday, May 20, 2012

New Pets!

I can't live without pets!  I just can't!  I can hear my mom rolling her eyes as I write this.  I had every pet under the sun as a kid.  We adopted cats from neighbors, we had dogs, fish, turtles, gerbils, birds, rabbits, baby birds I rescued from broken nests and a guinea pig.  These weren't all at once, but over the years and my love for animals obviously carried over into my adulthood as I had a small farm back home with nearly every creature under the sun there too!  

In China we live in an apartment so I can't exactly have cows and a pack of big dogs(although my husband has promised me chickens and they have yet to appear.)  Two days ago we bought a fish tank off some friends who are on their way back to the U.S. after four years here in Chengdu.  Yesterday we went to 'Pet Street' and bought oodles of fish to fill the massive tank!  It came with three fancy gold fish and two plecos so we needed fish that can coexist with those guys.  

Two Puffer fish, five Neon Tetras, six fancy Guppies, six Mollies and six Tiger Barbs later we have an aquarium!  Hurray!

 And don't forget the Siamese Fighting Fish!  He graces our kitchen table with his presence and we call him 'Rio.'


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