Monday, May 7, 2012

Back to Reality

We arrived back in reality on Sunday morning flying into the Kunming Airport.  Back to being stared at, gawked at, pointed at, and touched.  Dubai was a nice little holiday from that where we weren't even given a second look.  Anonymity is grand! 

Dexter just about died from excitement when we hauled ourselves through the apartment door.  I don't think I've ever seen a dog do so many consecutive circles.  We trekked up to the rooftop garden to check on our plants and what a wonderful surprise to see everything thriving and not brown and dead!(Alice did good on the watering and the keeping alive the animals part!) 

My zucchinis have gone crazy!  We will be feasting on zucchini within a week or so!  Mmmm zucchini bread! 

And strawberries!  The kids were ecstatic to see strawberries!  It was like Christmas!

After a taste of 'the good life' in Dubai, I think the only thing that will keep me sane here is planning our trip back to Canada for a visit in July!  And I have plans!  BIG plans! 

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