Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Homeward Bound

June 22 is fast approaching!  We are headed back to Canada for the summer.  I am looking forward to every part of this trip that comes after the 14 hour flight with two kids!  Oh and the six hour lay over in Vancouver...I could do without that as well!  We have a busy schedule ahead of us with the first weekend booked solid and my husband K is only with us until the 6th before he comes back this way to spend the summer living the bachelor life with the dog.  On the 7th the kids and I fly out to Alberta to spend 10 days dealing with the houses, visiting with friends and giving our dogs some love!

I'm sending a prayer out to the weather gods asking for nice weather while we are on holiday!  The weather here has been crap and we need a reprieve!  Speaking of reprieves, as I was cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms earlier I couldn't help making a list in my head of all the things I am looking forward to not seeing on a daily basis for the next month and a half!(Yes, I should have been making a list of things to pack but I wasn't.)  Would you like to hear my list? Yes?  Do you have a choice?  No. 

  • Nose picking
  • Hocking loogies
  • Traffic
  • Pollution
  • Stinky the kind that smells like an outhouse in 40 degree weather- yeah that kind of stinky.
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Staring
  • Pointing
  • Cockroaches in the grocery store
  • Noise
  • Chinese music in the dancing square at 6 am
  • Chinese music in the dancing square at 10 pm
And last but not least...I look forward to not hearing my boy whining about how much he wants to go back to Canada...because we will be there! 

So hopefully I make time to blog while I'm there...if you want to hear about it, that is.

China...over and out.

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